Cain was the first born son of Adam and Eve, and Abel was the second. In Genesis 4 we read how Cain kills his brother and is sent east of Eden where he marries a woman and “lays” with her. Because Adam and Eve were the first humans – from whom all people come – Cain’s wife was his sister – and, consequently, all of the early Biblical relationships were incestuous (with the exception of Adam and Eve). Cain, incidentally, was the guy that caused so much trouble for the Mormon’s who believed that the cursed “Mark of Cain” meant black skin, leading them to forbid blacks from entering the Mormon priesthood (God “revealed” that they were allowed to let black skinned people in to the priesthood in 1978). You can read more about that blunder here. In the image above we see Cain killing his brother Abel.

Abraham married his half sister Sara in Ur. The King of Gerara took her from Abraham and God sent him a dream to tell him that he would be destroyed for taking a woman who already had a husband (God approved of the marriage between the brother and sister). The King returned Sara to Abraham and they remained together as a couple until she died at the age of 127. Incidentally, Abraham died 38 years later at the ripe old age of 175.

This is one of those complex “generations” quotes that are found throughout the early stages of the Bible, but if you pay close attention you can see that Nachor (Abraham’s brother) married Melcha (his niece). It is phrases like those above which make it so difficult to read the Bible cover to cover. Frankly, these parts of the Bible make Proust’s “In Remembrance of Things Past” read like a Doctor Seuss book!

It doesn’t really get much more blatant than that. The two daughters had sex with their father, Lot, in order to preserve his family line. Incidentally, this all happened shortly after they had fled from Soddom and Gomorrah which was destroyed by God for its immorality – ironic?. After the events described above, Lot had no memory of it (maybe it was the liquor) and nine months later the daughters gave birth to two sons, Moab (father of the Moabites), and Ammon (father of the Ammonites).

This is the family history of Moses – the guy who lead the Jews out of Egypt and later was given the ten commandments (which were not actually 10 commandments – more on that here). Jochabed was Moses’ Great-aunty Mom.

Our final item is not just a case of incest – it is a case of incestuous rape! Amnon fell in love with his sister, Thomar, and was counseled by a crafty man to trick her in to having sex with him. He followed the bad advice and when Thomar tried to defend herself, he raped her. At least justice was ultimately done as Thomar’s other brother, Absalom, killed Amnon two years later in vengeance. Let that be a lesson to us all! Read More: Facebook Instagram Email

Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 87Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 60Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 37Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 44Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 78Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 20Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 17Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 29Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 14Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 74Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 17Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 81Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 2Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 51Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 76Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 87Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 79Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 25Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 10Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 45Top 6 Incestuous Relationships In The Bible - 41