Top 10 Thanksgiving Lies You Believe

See Also: 10 Ways The History Of Thanksgiving Is Nothing Like You Imagined Pretty much everything American children were taught about the first Thanksgiving is a lie. That’s not to say the teachers of America were lying to their students—they were taught the same lies when they went to school. Sadly, history is often told in a different light than what actually happened centuries ago, and because of this, what we know of Thanksgiving today is mostly a myth....

February 5, 2023 · 11 min · 2301 words · Irma Claytor

Top 10 Things You Can T Know

Secret: Trade Secrets This is a very necessary legal provision. After all, healthy competition is fundamental to a capitalistic society and making sure companies keep locked up what exactly gives them a leg up ensures that the market isn’t flooded with cheap imitators. In that way, monopolies are also guaranteed. For instance, if anyone ever managed to ascertain Coca Cola’s secret formula, Coca Cola would no longer be the #1 cola in the world, as you could just make it at at home in your bathtub for much less (although with possibly more floating hairs and bits of soap scum)....

February 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1117 words · Elsie Lara

Top 10 Tips For Beating Casino Tactics

This may seem like basic advice, but you’d be surprised how many people actually think they have an edge over the House. Regardless of how good you are, or how much experience you have, or what technique you use, the casinos have been at this for a lot longer than you have. The odds are stacked in their favor, and while you may win in the short term, you will eventually lose....

February 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1204 words · Jerry Harris

Top 10 Tips For Better Photos

Direct Your Photos Candid photos make for some of the best photos around, but if you are taking a family portrait, or any photograph with a group of people, spend some time directing your subjects to create a much more interesting photograph. Throw in some props or try taking the photo from various viewpoints and angles. Try to let your subjects personalities show in the photograph. Tight groups make the best photos....

February 5, 2023 · 5 min · 887 words · Rosemarie Pyatt

Top 10 Tips From History On How You Can Survive A Depression

The economy is a tricky thing, and it’s vulnerable to all sorts of external threats, as the recent decline of the U.S. Stock Market has proven with the outbreak of COVID-19. Looking back through history, we can prepare and survive so long as we learn the lessons of the past. Top 10 Tips To Prepare For A Depression 10 Forget About Throwing Stuff Away If there’s one thing we can say about the developed world in the 21st century, it’s that society has embraced the idea of single-use items....

February 5, 2023 · 11 min · 2175 words · William Washington

Top 10 Unbelievable Cases Of Hypnotism From The Past

Professional hypnotists would travel the continents and perform astounding acts by hypnotizing entire groups of people to perform silly feats. Doctors experimented with hypnosis and used it to lessen the pain of childbirth while dentists used hypnosis during tooth extractions. It even reached the criminal classes. People started to come forward claiming that they were hypnotized to do bad things or that robbers had hypnotized them while forcing their way into the victims’ homes....

February 5, 2023 · 10 min · 2035 words · Vicky Edwards

Top 10 Underrated Disney Villains

The only character on this list to originate from a Disneyland attraction, the Phantom is the villain of Disneyland Paris’ version of the Haunted Mansion, Phantom Manor. A mysterious spirit of malicious intent, the Phantom turned the Ravenswood Manor into his own ghostly retreat, inviting nine hundred and ninety eight others ghosts to live with him. He even hung the fiancé of bribe-to-be Melanie Ravenswood, who wandered into the manor in search of her lover until she died....

February 5, 2023 · 7 min · 1448 words · Clarence Brinlee

Top 10 Vampire Serial Killers

SEE ALSO: 10 Creepy Historical Accounts Of Real-Life Vampires Also known as the Vampire of Hanover or The butcher of Hanover, this German serial killer is believed to be responsible for at least 27 murders, and was convicted of 24. Although his criminal career began in 1898 (for molesting children) and later came to include assault, petty theft and burglary, his first known murder did not take place until September of 1918....

February 5, 2023 · 8 min · 1514 words · Karen Harris

Top 10 Voluptuous Facts About Breast Implants

10 Timmie Jean Lindsey More than a half-century ago, Timmie Jean Lindsey became the recipient of the world’s first silicone gel breast implant, an operation in which she became an integral part simply by fate. In 1962, the divorced 29-year-old, blue-collar worker was following up with her physician after having a tattoo removed from her chest. It was then that Dr. Frank J. Gerow proposed the idea of taking Lindsey from a B-cup to a C-cup free of charge....

February 5, 2023 · 9 min · 1915 words · Robert Zuleger

Top 10 Weird Facts About Death Dying In The Middle Ages

Here are a few surprising facts from the wondrous world of the Middle Ages. 10Living in Cemeteries In the Middle Ages, cemeteries were very different places from what we would expect. Rather than being destined exclusively for the disposal of the dead, they were lively places of social activity.[1] All the most important events occurred in cemeteries: local elections, trials, sermons, and theater plays. Prostitutes would also operate within cemetery grounds....

February 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1219 words · Pauline Mcgrath

Top 10 Worst Moments In Us Baseball

Everyone loves to see a person get really angry. It’s entertaining. But on 24 July 1983, with the Kansas City Royals playing the Yankees, Royal George Brett realized every kid’s dream of saving a game in the 9th inning by slamming a homer. It was a two-run bash that put the Royals up 5-4. As he crossed home and disappeared into the dugout, the home plate umpire, Tim McClelland, was alerted by Yankees manager Billy Martin that Brett’s bat might have more than 18 inches of pine tar on it, from the tip of the handle up....

February 5, 2023 · 21 min · 4264 words · Brenda Pearson

Top 10 Zombie Apocalypse Conspiracy Theories

It is no secret that Nazis, with their modern, “perverted science,” as Churchill phrased it, feature prominently in conspiracy theory origins. It is also no secret that Josef Mengele devised some awesomely grotesque, despicable experiments carried out on Jewish guinea pigs. He repeatedly broke children’s limbs in the same place to see how long it would take before the bone simply would not heal. He performed irradiation of victims, then vivisections without anesthesia to study organ damage....

February 5, 2023 · 11 min · 2309 words · Marc Locke

Top 15 Controversial Tv Specials

Aired: February 5, 2008 In February of 2008, BBC Two aired a documentary based on a study by Professor David Nutt, a psycho-pharmacologist at Bristol University. Nutt and his team analyzed the negative effects caused by 20 common drugs. They asked a group of 29 consultant psychiatrists who specialize in addiction to rate the drugs in categories based on physical harm, addiction, and social disruption. They also extended the analysis to a group of 16 experts spanning several fields including pharmacology, police, chemistry, forensics, psychiatry, and legal services....

February 5, 2023 · 30 min · 6377 words · Michele Morales

Top 15 Opening Lines Of Books

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” — Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy “The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children’s games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up.” — The Napoleon of Notting Hill – G. K. Chesterton...

February 5, 2023 · 5 min · 926 words · Kevin Matheson

Top 20 Science Fiction Movies Of The 2000S

Omissions: Scientifically dumb F/X movies such as The Day After Tomorrow, The Core, Sunshine and 2012, where the science, plot, situations and characters were really awful—so much so that the cool F/X couldn’t make up for the movies’ stupidity. Also, I’ve left out all super-hero movies, because as was pointed out in the comments on a previous list in mid-2009, that sub-genre belongs more firmly in the realm of fantasy than sci-fi....

February 5, 2023 · 9 min · 1752 words · Freddy Rutland

Top 5 Logo Submissions Finals

Another thing to keep in mind is that I am considering changing the overall color scheme of this site from orange/brown to shades of blue – the logo will be modified when that happens. Again, the logos are in no specific order, but having seen them on potential merchandise, I have made a few comments on each one. Logo Entry 1 I like this one because the circular part of the design can be used separately or with the words....

February 5, 2023 · 2 min · 266 words · Chester Coyne

Top Ten Signs You Are Not A City Person

Sign: You Wait For the Crosswalk. Everything is neat and orderly in the outer-lying suburbs. You are used to things like school zones and crossing guards and courteous drivers, whatever those are. In the city, it’s every man for himself. You will see that to be 100% the case as a blind man attempts to cross the street by himself, while oncoming traffic just barely misses decapitating him as soon as the crosswalk signal turns red (true story)....

February 5, 2023 · 7 min · 1299 words · Avery Cohen

Video 10 Unsolved Mysteries With Creepy Surveillance Footage

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February 5, 2023 · 1 min · 12 words · Mary Watson

10 African American Heroes Of The Civil War

10Andre Cailloux Andre Cailloux was born a slave in 1825 but was freed in 1846. He quickly became a leader within the free Afro-French community of New Orleans. In September 1862, Cailloux joined the Union’s 1st Louisiana Native Guard, being made captain of Company E. His company was considered one of the best-drilled in the regiment. On May 27, 1863, General Banks led a poorly planned attack on heavily defended Confederate positions at Port Hudson....

February 4, 2023 · 7 min · 1441 words · Donnie Woodcock

10 Amazing Ancient Insults

If you read history, you’ll discover that personal abuse has changed how events play out at times. So be careful before you let fly with an offensive remark. Thanks to a range of rude gestures, you don’t even have to open your mouth to insult others. Here are 10 ways that people have been offended in the past and some that might not win you many friends in the present....

February 4, 2023 · 10 min · 2017 words · David Baldwin