Top 20 Bigfoot Sightings

Many of the clips include short and often times shaky images. The creatures are always hiding from the camera. It appears that they are highly skilled at stealth activity. In many Bigfoot videos, the person with the camera doesn’t notice the Sasquatch until viewing the tape later. Another common type of clip shows a Bigfoot examining human activity, only to become frightened by a loud noise. The creature is then filmed running away....

February 7, 2023 · 41 min · 8629 words · Dorothy Oliver

Video 10 Creepy Urban Legends From The Us

Subscribe to the Listverse YouTube Channel, or read the original list here. Watch this video on YouTube Discover more chilling tales on Listverse: 10 Creepy Murder Houses You Could Live In 10 Truly Creepy Demonic Hauntings 10 Eerie Chinese Paranormal Stories 10 Eerie Slave Hauntings From The Deep South Read More: Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram

February 7, 2023 · 1 min · 55 words · Debra Griggs

Video 10 Spooky Facts About Halloween

Subscribe to the Listverse YouTube Channel, or read the original list here. Discover more great Halloween lists: 10 Sinister Halloween Horror Stories That Really Happened 10 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries That Happened On Halloween Top 10 Wildly Inappropriate Halloween Costumes Top 10 Easiest Halloween Costumes To Make Read More: Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram

February 7, 2023 · 1 min · 52 words · Thomas Peters

10 What If Scenarios About The Earth S Geography And Climate

10 What If Pangaea Had Never Broken Up? From 300 million to 200 million years ago, the world’s continents were fused as a single landmass called “Pangaea,” slowly drifting apart to create the continents we know today, while causing some interesting situations like India crashing headlong into Asia’s underside and raising the Himalayas. But what if tectonic drift had never happened and Pangaea still dominated one hemisphere with a great Tethys world ocean on the other?...

February 6, 2023 · 17 min · 3448 words · Stacy Burris

10 Amazing Archaeological Finds Made By Scans

10 The Viking Toolbox Borgring is a Viking ring fortress, the fifth to be discovered in Denmark. In 2016, a metal detector sounded hopeful while hovering over a clump of soil. Archaeologists took the small, earth-encrusted object they found to a local hospital. Graciously, the medical folks gave permission for their CT scanner to be used, and it revealed one of the most valuable finds ever made at the fort: the remains of a Viking Age toolbox....

February 6, 2023 · 8 min · 1701 words · Olivia Schaefer

10 Ancient Facial Reconstructions Of Fascinating Women

It’s amazing how much we can learn from ancient facial reconstructions of women. Whether they are witches, saints, powerful individuals, or forgotten victims, they bring insight into those eras and even give us game-changing clues about history. 10 The Modern-Looking Ancestor A pixie-faced person stared back at scientists after a complicated reconstruction process in 2017. At a sprightly 13,000 years old, the finely boned woman’s remains were discovered in the Tham Lod rock shelter in Thailand....

February 6, 2023 · 10 min · 1924 words · Misty Weinstein

10 Ancient Megalith Monuments With Unsolved Purposes

Despite this, clues in the structures themselves may tell us why they were raised. Dolmens were used to bury the dead while some standing stones “worked together” with other monuments to help early peoples chart the stars. Some sites, however, have histories so shrouded in mystery that it’s hard to say what they were truly for. We have hints, clues, and archaeological proof that something was happening at these locations but no decisive evidence to tell us the full stories behind these mysterious sites....

February 6, 2023 · 12 min · 2432 words · Geraldine Pinheiro

10 Animals That Are Poorly Designed

But every now and then, we get an animal that’s just so poorly thought out that it makes us wonder if evolution itself might have been drunk during the design phase. These animals have no right to exist in the state they do. Yet they continue on, not knowing that their bodies, brains, or both are ridiculous. 10 Horse When we think about horse attributes, one of the first things that comes to mind is speed....

February 6, 2023 · 9 min · 1819 words · Peter Militello

10 Architectural Wonders Too Impractical To Ever Build

10The Tokyo Tower Of Babel Imagine the entire height of Mount Everest, all 8,848 meters (29,029 ft). Now imagine some lunatic had built Dubai’s record-breaking Burj Khalifa on top of it. Congratulations: That tower plus the mountain (10 times taller) below it combined still fall a couple of hundred meters short of the Tokyo Tower of Babel. The craziest building Japan never built was dreamed up in the dying days of the bubble economy in 1991....

February 6, 2023 · 10 min · 2030 words · Robert Edelman

10 Artists Who Destroyed Their Own Work

10Dionysis Karipidis In 1997, Dionysis Karipidis carved a statue of a mermaid into the rocks of Portokali beach in Greece. His larger-than-life work should have withstood the tides for centuries, but those who go to look at it now will not find it in anything like its former glory. The trouble began when the artist was issued a €522 fine relating to the statue. It seems that the work of art was actually a destruction of the local landscape, since it was carved from the rocks already there and not brought in....

February 6, 2023 · 7 min · 1461 words · Paul Neese

10 Bizarre Beliefs Championed By Brilliant People

10 Alexander Graham Bell Hated Sign Language Alexander Graham Bell’s mother was deaf. This not only guided his own career as an inventor but encouraged his father to develop Visible Speech, a method of using symbols to teach people to speak a language they had never heard. Bell didn’t just promote Visible Speech, he traveled the country and campaigned against sign language. He claimed that sign language was creating an entirely separate culture of people and that deaf people were being alienated from mainstream society, were marrying only each other, and were breeding a culture of more deaf people....

February 6, 2023 · 7 min · 1453 words · John Daniels

10 Bizarre Christmas Characters From Around The World

Stories passed from parent to child and embellished with the telling over the centuries have given us an array of frankly bizarre festive folks. Here are 10 of the weirdest beasts, demons, and animals who might visit you this Christmas. 10 The Yule Goat In Sweden, Father Christmas did not always have a sleigh pulled by reindeer. He was once thought to ride a festive goat. The Yule Goat may be a descendant of the two goats which Thor used to draw his chariot across the sky....

February 6, 2023 · 10 min · 1942 words · Milo Adkins

10 Bizarre Cultural Foods Guaranteed To Make You Lose Your Lunch

If you’re eating anything right now, you might want to stop. 10Ptarmigan Droppings Ptarmigans are large birds that live in the Arctic and look sort of like a more graceful version of a chicken. They’re a valuable source of food to the Inuit in Northern Canada because, unlike the Arctic’s migratory animals, they stick around through the harsh winters. In a region where hunters can go months without bringing in a large game haul, a readily available food source is worth its weight in gold....

February 6, 2023 · 10 min · 2103 words · William Beal

10 Bizarre Fads From The Early 20Th Century

10Goldfish Swallowing Very few fads have any staying power, but some of them can remain popular for decades. Streaking, for example, is just as popular today as it ever was. Goldfish swallowing might not be as big, but it still has a loyal following, and enthusiasts can even go online and see others perform the Goldfish Challenge. As far as what this fad actually entails, no further explanation is necessary. The name says it all....

February 6, 2023 · 11 min · 2276 words · Minnie Tartaglione

10 Bizarre Paranormal Encounters From Old Europe

10 The Haunted Apple Of Annecy In 1585, an apple was seen floating over a bridge in Annecy, a city in southeastern France. For two hours, the apple levitated in the air and emitted a loud noise, terrifying passersby who needed to cross the bridge. Eventually, a less intimidated traveler came forward, armed with a stick. The man whacked the apple into the water, which was covered by the bridge. The terrible noise from the strange apple then stopped, and peace was restored....

February 6, 2023 · 8 min · 1583 words · Daniel Sanchez

10 Bizarre Theories About Famous People

10 Abraham Lincoln Was Homosexual While many theories on famous people are quite improbable, this one is actually backed up by quite a bit of evidence. Most people know Abraham Lincoln as one of the great US presidents. Since Lincoln has been elevated to the status of American sainthood, the idea that he might have had homosexual tendencies has been refuted for years by most historians, in spite of some clear evidence....

February 6, 2023 · 12 min · 2446 words · Kimberly Mayorga

10 Bloodsucking Monsters From World Folklore

However, vampires are only the most celebrated blood-hungry fiends. Most cultures have their own legends of a beast that feeds on human blood. Here are ten of the strangest bloodsuckers out there. 10 Mandurugo Have you ever had a relationship turn sour? In the Philippines, there is a group of beautiful young women with wings called kinnari. They are gentle characters who are known to be loyal to the human men they take as lovers....

February 6, 2023 · 10 min · 1956 words · Brenda Murray

10 Cases Of Vaporware

Henry Ford was famously misquoted for saying “You can have any color (of Model T) you want, as long as it’s black.” Apple Computer can’t even claim a misquote. In June 2010, Apple snuck reporters into a room and demonstrated the iPhone 4 in both black and white. The black version debuted on time, but the white iPhone4 has never launched, despite Apple’s having made handheld electronic devices in white for over a decade....

February 6, 2023 · 10 min · 1940 words · Vernon Collins

10 Celebrity Death Hoaxes That Almost Had Us Fooled

Some celebrities have been reported dead multiple times, and others have seemed to die in the most absurd circumstances. These rumors are easy to spread these days thanks to social media. Whether the celebs were amused or bewildered, they all ended up actually being alive. So, here are 10 celebrity death hoaxes that almost had us fooled. 10 Queen Elizabeth II It’s no surprise that Queen Elizabeth II of England has been falsely reported as dead numerous times....

February 6, 2023 · 9 min · 1712 words · Vickie Jenkins

10 Common Things That Are Totally Bad For You

10 Alarm Clocks Many people rely on an alarm clock to get up for work or school in the morning, then sleep in on the weekend to make up for the lost shut-eye. But according to researchers, both of these habits are bad for you. One comprehensive study of sleep habits found that many people have a discrepancy between how much they sleep during the week and how much they sleep during weekends....

February 6, 2023 · 9 min · 1769 words · Cecil Ripley