Top 10 Horrifically Botched Lethal Injections

10The Chameleon—Stephen Peter Morin Stephen Peter Morin was a psychotic serial killer who earned himself the nickname “The Chameleon” due to the multiple aliases he used. He would change identities and slaughter female victims as he traveled the country, crossing nine different states, and eventually reaching a spot on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list. He was caught and convicted of the murder of three women, though some believe he killed as many as thirty....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 1964 words · Louise Ross

Top 10 Horrifying Monsters In Literature

Captain Nemo’s underwater ship, Nautilus, is equipped with the world’s most adanced weaponry for the 1800s, including electrified bullets. But near the end of the novel, Nautilus is swarmed by a school of “poulpes,” which is the French word for “octopi.” It is almost always translated as “giant squid” because one pouple in particular becomes entangled in Nautilus’s propellers, and the crew has to go topside and battle it with axes, harpoons and knives....

February 8, 2023 · 11 min · 2342 words · Peter Whitis

Top 10 Insane Video Game Premises

Video game premises can be bonkers. The medium’s interactivity is especially suited to wish fulfillment, and most people don’t wish for taxes and stop signs. Instead, they wish to scream spells at dragons and fight demons with Mickey Mouse, and that’s exactly what video games deliver. This list gathers some of the most insane video game premises, keeping in mind that the insanity has only made them more fun and more successful....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1430 words · Sue Townsend

Top 10 Lists About Horror Movies

This list, published in June 2009, by “cdnnknght” offers some tips for those who find themselves often trapped in horror movie scenarios. A terse read and a checklist-of-sorts, this list is an amusing note of what most characters fail to do right before they die. Take a look. Compiling 15 of the best lycanthropic movies of all time, and rarely leaving one out, this list from November 2007 is a handy one to refer to around Halloween time....

February 8, 2023 · 5 min · 856 words · Clara Sandoval

Top 10 Makeup Trends That Went Nowhere

By contrast, some want to be trendsetters. They want to be the reason everyone is doing new makeup techniques and styles. Sadly, some trends just never get off the ground. Some trends should never have been put into action, let alone thought up. Here are ten makeup trends that went nowhere. 10 Permanent Marker Eyeliner Years ago, Taylor Swift admitted that she used permanent markers for eyeliner instead of actual makeup....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1450 words · Robert Lavalley

Top 10 Memorable Attenborough Moments 2020

Attenborough’s contribution to broadcasting and wildlife film-making over the last 5 decades has brought him international recognition and earned him countless awards. He has been called the great communicator, the peerless educator, a national treasure and the greatest broadcaster of our time. His programmes are often cited as an example of what public service broadcasting should be and have influenced generations of wildlife film-makers. The legendary Attenborough’s distinctive voice lends a special something to all his films and on this list are 10 of the sonorous naturalist’s most memorable video moments....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1471 words · Raymond Magnuson

Top 10 Notorious Killers Who Were Murdered In Prison

One of the most challenging problems that plague prisons is extreme violence between inmates. The Canadian Medical Association Journal found among prison inmates in the U.S. and Canada a lifetime prevalence of 87% for substance abuse, 56.7% for antisocial personality disorder, 22.8% for affective disorders, 15.6% for anxiety/somatoform disorders, and 2.2% for schizophrenia. This breeding ground for hostility alongside these following cold-blooded killers entering prison with a lot of notoriety turned them into sitting ducks....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1846 words · Louise Matsumoto

Top 10 Occurrences Before And After Death

The death rattle is a common term used in the hospital to describe the chilling sound made by an individual very near death. It occurs after loss of the cough reflex and loss of the ability to swallow. This causes an excessive accumulation of saliva in the throat and lungs. Although it rarely causes pain to the patient, family members often find the sound unsettling and disturbing. Anyone who has ever heard the unsettling death rattle will never forget the way it sounded....

February 8, 2023 · 6 min · 1244 words · Derek Hayes

Top 10 Pandemics We Have Survived

Top 10 Movies About Plague, Pestilence, And Deadly Disease 10 1968 Hong Kong Flu Pandemic In July of 1968 an odd case of influenza was reported in Hong Kong. It was an H3N2 strain, on offshoot of H2N2 and it moved quick. Within two weeks cases were found in Singapore and Vietnam, and within 3 months it had spread to Australia, India, Europe and the United States. At .5% the mortality rate was relatively low but that didn’t stop this bug from doing some major damage....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1594 words · Stephen Petersen

Top 10 Peaceful Men

According to the Baha’i religion, Baha’u’llah was born in 1817, a member of one of the great patrician families of Persia. The family could trace its lineage to the ruling dynasties of Persia’s imperial past, and was endowed with wealth and vast estates. Turning His back on the position at court which these advantages offered Him, Baha’u’llah became known for His generosity and kindliness which made Him deeply loved among His countrymen....

February 8, 2023 · 13 min · 2647 words · Donna Hennon

Top 10 Potentially Great Films That Got Lost In Development Hell

The average cost of shooting a film is around $65 million, and many films come in at over $100 million. With such huge costs involved, production companies will only go ahead with a shoot if they are completely happy with every tiny detail. And even after the project has received the green light, there are still plenty of opportunities for the studios to pull the plug. Here we look at 10 movies that might have been great, if only they had made it out of Development Hell....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2354 words · Olga Webb

Top 10 Reoccurring Horror Movie Gimmicks

Examples include The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity. It hasn’t quite been overused, except to say that the Paranormal Activity franchise has milked the gimmick into a part three. It was this conceit that made a movie with a budget in the mere thousands extremely successful, as was the case with Blair Witch, raking in about $2.5 million at the box office. This idea of “lost footage” is admittedly creepy – just like any “real” footage of poltergeists or Big Foot is scary....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1411 words · Bernadine Rojas

Top 10 Satanic Scares In Recent Memory

10 Santa Muerte Murders Nuestra Senora de la Santa Muerte (or Santa Muerte, as she is often called) is understood to be a personification of death. She is a popular but unofficial saint among Mexican Catholics and Santeria practitioners. More recently, she has made inroads among Latinos in the United States. Researchers aren’t entirely certain about the origins of this saint. She may be a carryover from Aztec times or a more recent innovation....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2443 words · Darrel Pope

Top 10 Secretive Bits Of Spy Kit

Here are ten of the weirdest bits of equipment a spy might find among their kit. 10 Famously Hard-Core Female Spies 10 Pipe Radio Smoking is undoubtedly bad for your health but for CIA agents in the middle of the 20th century there were situations where smoking a pipe could save their life. The key to this pipe’s life-saving capabilities was found concealed in its stem – a radio receiver that could pick up transmissions and send them straight to the agent....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1697 words · Colleen Wilson

Top 10 Shocking Historical Beliefs And Practices

Government officials have enacted shocking policies and medical procedures. We can now look back upon some of these moments and wonder what exactly our ancestors were thinking? Many of these ideas were developed in a time when racial and female segregation was a problem, and the accepted social behavior was different from what we experience today. This article will be examining ten shocking beliefs and diagnosis that were developed during modern history....

February 8, 2023 · 19 min · 3843 words · Shawn Bogle

Top 10 Significant First Fossils

10 First BirdArchaeopteryx lithographica Archaeopteryx lithographica is theorized by paleontologists to be a transitional fossil, or “missing link,” between dinosaurs and modern birds, thus making it the first bird. The fossil was discovered in Germany in 1860 and with its combination of feathers and reptilian features had long been considered the first true bird. Archaeopteryx is the marriage between two words from ancient Greece translating to either “ancient wing” or “ancient feather....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 1994 words · Emma Brown

Top 10 Surprising New Uses For Foam

This flexible substance spawns innovation in combat, operating theaters, and robotics. It also fosters a safer environment for the public. At its most bizarre, foam lies at the heart of a mystery that questions the very nature of reality. 10 Deeper Submarine Exploration Most vehicles, ships, and aircraft contain something called syntactic foam. The material is renowned for being lightweight, tough, and buoyant. This makes syntactic parts perfect for submarines, except for one thing....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1721 words · Edmund Jackson

Top 10 Terrible Deaths Connected To Social Media

The Internet can definitely have an unfavorable impact on some aspects of our lives, making us unhappy occasionally. However, the negative repercussions of social media can also be grave enough to be linked to fatalities. We understand that you visit Listverse to escape and relax, but these stories are cautionary tales of 10 deaths directly linked to social medial and the Internet. 10 Creepy Things Social Media Does To Control Your Mind...

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1735 words · Maurita Marcum

Top 10 Terrifying But Fascinating Drugs

Just as varied are the types of drugs out there. Some are extremely dangerous, some are straight-up weird, and some are absolutely disgusting. The drugs listed below are among the most fascinating. 10 Krokodil Unfortunately, the drug known as krokodil (desomorphine) doesn’t turn you into a half-reptile, half-man supervillain. Rather, its effects are much more gruesome and unbelievable than most street drugs. Originating in Russia in 1932, krokodil was an experimental morphine alternative....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 2048 words · Jose Zajc

Top 10 Truly Disturbing Facts About Japan S Suicide Forest

Perhaps the forest attracts people who wish to take their own lives due to its own grim history of suicides – almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or perhaps there really is something truly evil that twists peoples’ minds and thoughts. Or might we find that magnetic anomalies have such a macabre effect? Here are ten reasons that the Suicide Forest is a truly disturbing place. 10 Unsettling Real-Life Stories That Will Haunt You...

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1753 words · Cindy Baldwin