10 Mysteries Of The Aryans

Of course, we all know how Adolf Hitler abused the concept to carry out his racist policies as he tried to achieve world domination. Yet, despite his defeat in World War II, the record has not been set straight. To this day, misinformation about Aryans abounds. 10 Aryan Origins “Aryan” derives from the Sanskrit word arya—a self-designation of the Vedic Indians. The meaning of “Aryan” is not completely understood. Some believe that it means “noble” or “pure....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1636 words · Richard Browning

10 Mysterious Sometimes Gross New Facts About Ancient Cults

10 A Rare True Cross Scroll The “Cult of The Cross” describes the rituals and beliefs surrounding the True Cross (the cross on which Jesus died). In 2021, an extremely rare artifact was discovered. Unfortunately, it was not a splinter from the True Cross, but it was a parchment closely linked to this chapter of Christianity. Researchers have always known about the 500-year-old scroll. However, it kept disappearing into the hands of private collectors, meaning it could never be examined....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1911 words · Iris Jenkins

10 Mysterious Disappearances With Bizarre Clues

On September 28, 1988, a 19-year old girl named Tara Calico left her home in Belen, New Mexico to go bike riding on Highway 47. Neither Tara nor her bicycle were seen again. Her case went cold until June 15, 1989 when a woman found a Polaroid in a parking spot outside a convenience store in Port St. Joe, Florida. A white van had previously been parked in the spot, and the photo featured a teenage girl and young boy were both bound and gagged in the back of a van....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 2079 words · Annie Guevarra

10 Of Christianity S Most Profitable Preachers

Thanks to the advent of mega-churches and televangelism, some people have managed to become millionaires, due, in large part to the contributions of their flock. Here are ten examples of Christian ministers & preachers who are both revered and reviled, but missed the mark on the whole “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth” bit from the Bible. See Also: 10 Absurd Comments Made By TV’s Most Controversial Evangelist...

February 8, 2023 · 11 min · 2169 words · Carlos Johansen

10 Of The Creepiest Things Superheroes Have Done

SEE ALSO: 10 Of The Most Offensive Superheroes In The History Of Comics 10 Killer Batman Even the most casual comic or movie fan knows two cornerstones of Batman’s character: Batman does not use guns, and Batman does not kill. However, for Bat-fans with long memories, both of these are actually untrue. For the first two years of Batman’s solo adventures in Detective Comics, he not only brandished a gun to fight off humans (and the occasional vampire), but he killed villains in a variety of ways, often giving a dark quip after they died....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1787 words · Sherry Bearden

10 Of The Most Unusual Dead Body Discoveries And Their Stories

Every single year, 55.3 million people die. That’s 151,600 every single day, 6,316 per hour, 105 people every minute, and about two people per second.[1] This means that dead people are being found all the time somewhere in the world, sometimes by their friends and loved ones and sometimes by complete and total strangers. Up until the moment of their death, these people had a past, a history, a story, a narrative that was ongoing, and the tale of their place in the world continued on even after they died....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1887 words · Joseph Carnagey

10 Old Structures That Are Really Difficult To Reach

10 Montfort Castle, Israel Perched upon a steep, narrow cliff within Israel’s Nahal Kziv nature reserve, Montfort Castle is a ruined Crusader fortress built on land purchased by the Teutonic Order of Knights in 1220. Its name derives from the French words “mont,” meaning mountain, and “fort,” meaning strong. Montfort was the Teutonic Order’s principal castle in the Holy Land, but it wasn’t originally built for military purposes. In fact, it was constructed with the objective to move some of the Order’s archives and treasury from its founding city of Acre to a more isolated location....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1506 words · Patti Volpe

10 Oldest Animals Alive

Although it is usually difficult to estimate the ages of wild animals, scientists have devised methods of calculating some of them. In fact, we are very sure of the ages of some critters that have lived around us, either in private ownership or in zoos. You’ll be surprised by how old these animals can become. 10 Charlie The Parrot Charlie is a macaw parrot born in 1899, making him 119 years old as of 2018....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1743 words · Cora Devault

10 People Who Beat The Rap For Treason

This list suggests a few motives for such a deed. These accused, which includes some well-known individuals, were either found not guilty of betraying their countries, escaped punishment, or were later exonerated, each, in his own way, beating the rap for treason. 10 Billy In 1781, Billy, a young slave, was convicted of committing treason against the state of Virginia after he was impressed into military service by the crew of a British ship....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 2110 words · Tonya Uhl

10 People Who Shaped Our View Of History

10 Movses KhorenatsiAll Of Armenian History (Up To That Point) Movses Khorenatsi (sometimes Anglicized as Moses of Khoren) was born shortly after the start of the fifth century AD and is one of the largest and most important figures in Armenian historiography. His life’s work, Patmut’yun Hayots (The History of Armenia), was written thanks to the insistence of a prince in the Bagratuni dynasty. It was the first attempt to look at the country’s history before it converted to Christianity about two centuries prior....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2436 words · Joseph Muniz

10 Photographs That Will Trigger The Megalophobic In You

10 Ice, Anyone? If you’re a fan of winter and freezing weather, then moving to Greenland might just be the best thing for you. Considering your neighbor could turn out to be an iceberg. In the village of Innaarsuit, a towering iceberg moved in and stalled just behind a series of small houses. It made for stunning photographs, but for those who cannot stand looking at massive objects, it will cause more than a few nervous butterflies in the stomach....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1457 words · Richard Hazard

10 Popular Songs You Won T Believe Are Based On Horrible Crimes

We usually assume that the artists are pouring their creative ideas and some of their own experiences into their music. But there are times that reality is so harsh that it needs to be put into music. Either for catharsis or to expose hate, musicians have been secretly taking inspiration from crimes for a long time. Here is a list of popular songs that you won’t believe are based on a horrible crime....

February 8, 2023 · 6 min · 1243 words · Julie Schneider

10 Profound Ways The World Will Change In Your Lifetime

The great physicist Niels Bohr is said to have written, “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.” As correct as that may be, the world will definitely evolve in the next few decades, and we’ve got a good idea just how some of those changes will play out. 10 A Cash-Free Economy Cash has had a long history (going through some odd iterations before we got it to the coins and paper we know today)....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2426 words · Gerardo Plienis

10 Quenching Legends Myths And Stories Involving Alcohol

The following items might amuse you, amaze you, or disgust you. Some might even do all three. Here are ten stories, myths, and legends about alcohol, sufficient to satiate even the thirstiest pub trivia night ringer. 10 Cleopatra’s Pearl Bet One of the most infamous stories regarding Cleopatra concerns a bet between her and Marc Antony. As a lavish display of her fabulous wealth, she bet the Roman leader that she could spend ten million sesterces on a single meal....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2436 words · Nancy Polak

10 Quirky Studies That Tackled Tough Questions

10 How to Spot a Creep What makes someone creepy? In 2016, a team of psychologists pondered this important question. Their goal was to draft a list of traits that could identify someone as an unsettling weirdo. To understand what people find creepy, the study interviewed 1,342 volunteers and asked them what made their skin crawl when meeting a stranger. Some of their answers were unexpected. Watch this video on YouTube Sure, the participants found others creepy when there was an element of physical danger or when the people worked as clowns or looked unkempt....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1651 words · Wilma Gilbert

10 Real Life Werewolves

In the sixteenth century town of Dole, a proclamation was publicly read in the town square. Its contents gave permission for the people to track down and kill a werewolf that had been terrorizing the village. While walking through the forest, a group of peasants heard the screams of a small child accompanied by the howling of a wolf. When they arrived they saw a wounded child fighting off a monstrous creature whom they later identified as Gilles Garnier....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1673 words · James Elfrink

10 Reasons The German People Elected Adolf Hitler

SEE ALSO: 10 Bizarre Tales About Adolf Hitler It’s easy to write off the rise of Nazism as a momentary lapse of reason, but the truth isn’t that simple. The people who voted for Hitler really thought they were making the best choice. 10 The War Guilt Clause The fuse that sparked World War II was lit as soon as World War I ended. When peace was signed with the Treaty of Versailles, the Germans were forced to sign the “War Guilt Clause....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 2092 words · Franklin Krasley

10 Recent Viral Stories With Unexpected Twists

10The Muslim Family Was Barred From Disneyland For A Good Reason Just a few days before Christmas, a story broke which seemed to show just how low the US had sunk. A British Muslim family embarking on a trip to Disneyland was barred from their flight at the last moment by US officials. Their holiday plans were ruined, and the airline refused to refund their $13,340 in flight fees. Comment pieces blamed the “Trump effect,” saying that the incident was due to rising Islamophobia in America....

February 8, 2023 · 11 min · 2173 words · Trina Mchugh

10 Ridiculous Movie Plots That Were Inspired By Real Events

10 Yes Man Yes Man is a heartwarming blockbuster that explores what would happen if you answered “yes” to every question in your life. Jim Carrey’s character takes on this challenge and ends up learning Korean, taking flying lessons, and getting promoted. He goes from being a pessimistic divorced man to an exciting trendsetter and finds a new girlfriend in the process. It might sound like fiction, but this movie is loosely based on a memoir of the same name by freelance radio producer Danny Wallace....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1507 words · Ella Seidel

10 Shocking Facts About The Rajneesh Movement

The group had several disagreements with neighboring cities and the authorities before the community was disbanded in the mid-1980s. More recently, interest in the Rajneesh movement has been reignited by the Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country. Here are ten shocking facts about the Rajneesh movement. 10 Their Leader Was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, born in 1931, was a guru and meditation teacher from India. His success as a spiritual leader began in the city of Pune....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1751 words · Noelia Fowler